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The majority of Americans take care of their pets sometimes even better than they take care of themselves, running to the vets when their pets show the smallest sign of illness. According to the Veterinary Pet Insurance Co. (VPI), in 2012 policyholders spent more than $58 million treating the ten most common ailments affecting their pets. Below is their list of the top ten medical conditions that were treated in 2012:



  1. Skin Allergies
  2. Ear Infection
  3. Skin Infection
  4. Non-Cancerous Skin Growth
  5. Upset Stomach/Vomiting
  6. Arthritis
  7. Intestial Upset/Diarrhea
  8. Bladder Infection
  9. Periodontitis/Dental Disease
  10. Bruise or Contusion



  1. Bladder Infection
  2. Periodontitis/Dental Disease
  3. Overactive Thyroid
  4. Chronic Kidney Disease
  5. Upset Stomach/vomiting
  6. Diabetes
  7. Intestinal Upset/Diarrhea
  8. Skin Allergies
  9. Lymphosarcoma (Cancer of Lymph Node)
  10. Upper Respiratory Infection



