In the April issue of Oprah Dr. Oz writes a convincing article about the benefits of having a pet in your home. Some of those benefits include but are not limited to: reduced risk of allergies, asthma, and eczema; lower blood pressure; a stronger heart; improved fitness; greater calm for Alzheimer's patients.
From my own experience, I would include: a great friend; a constant comfort especially if you are sad or upset; a reminder to never take anyone for granted since a pet's time with us is so short, we need to enjoy every minute that we are privileged to have them live in our home. They especially teach us about love and caring for another being who lives on this planet with us. I will often point out to Jim, how cool is it that we have these little four-legged fur balls living in our home, sleeping on our bed with us, snuggling and cuddling us. And do you know anyone who gives unconditional love no matter how you treat them?