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Mark your calendars - May 17 - 23 is National Dog Bite Prevention Week

american pitbull notecard by dj geribo at help shelter pets thumbnail imageMillions of people, mostly children, are bitten by dogs every year. In fact, dog bites are the 11th leading cause of non-fatal injury to children ages 1-4, 9th for children ages 5-9, and 10th for children ages 10-14 (statistics from 2003-2012).

Most dog bites affecting young children occur during everyday activities while interacting with familiar dogs.

There are many things a dog owner can do to prevent dog bites from properly socializing and training your pet to educating your children on how, or if, to approach a dog.

For more information about dog bites and prevention, go to the American Veterinary Medical Assoc (AVMA.ORG) website.

Help Shelter Pets American Pitbull dog card sold in The Card Shop

