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Just about the only thing that astonishes me about humans is their ability to inflict pain on innocent animals. (I am also astonished at their ability to inflict pain on their fellow humans as well, but that’s another story). The latest is the story about the Florida man who is collecting the neighborhood animals and skinning them. That’s right, skinning them, meaning taking their skin off of their bodies and doing who knows what with them (I’m guessing he’s selling their skins to foreign countries that use skins to cover a variety of trinkets).

The animal skins he has been collecting are none other than our household pets, cats and dogs. The pets we spend our days and nights with, who look to us for protection and who likewise protect us. Who snuggle, cuddle, and fall asleep on our laps (that is, the ones who fit on our laps). In other words, our family members.

You’ll excuse me for not telling you more of the story but I could not bring myself to read more about this monster. It brought back memories of Jeffrey Dahmer and other serial murderers who dismember their victims and feel no emotion for their heinous crimes. I’ve read that they often start by torturing small animals when they are young. Now according to this monster’s father, he liked animals when he was a boy. Really? How did he show his love for them and what happened to them? It often amazes me how little the parents of serial murderers/torturers know about their children as I’ve heard again and again that ‘he was a good boy’.

The punishment should fit the crime and in this case the monster who killed and tortured all those animals should be skinned and thrown in a pile to rot.

Anyone have any better ideas?
