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The 'girls' waiting for their carrot; no drooling!For many years now I've given my dogs a small piece of carrot every night, somewhere around 5 -6pm. And don't think for a minute that they don't remember and start hanging around the kitchen from 4:30 on. Although they are on a schedule for when they get their carrot each night, their schedule for eating a meal isn't as strict. They seem to be hungry at different times, from first thing in the morning to early afternoon. There have been a couple of times when I was eating carrots as a mid-morning snack and offered my Poms a small bite. Kitsu was fine with it, but Meko promptly threw it up. It didn't seem to agree with her with nothing else in her stomach. But I will mix up a small piece in her food with other raw foods (apple, piece of meat, green beans, oatmeal, etc) and she is fine with it.

It seems she has a couple of odd little food sensitivities like that since she had IMHA over two and a half years ago now. I don't know if there is any connection at all but it is enough to know that she has this reaction and to not give her even the smallest piece of carrot on an empty stomach. I found out that a neighbor whose dog is also being treated for IMHA has a similar problem with carrots and will vomit it up even though they gave their dog carrots for years without any upset. I don't know if the dog receives the carrot on an empty stomach but I think it is an interesting similarity between two dogs who are both on IMHA medication.
